4 Best E-learning Authoring Tools
If you’ve started researching authoring tools, you’re probably feeling overwhelmed. There are so many options, each with its pros and cons. How can you choose the best e-learning authoring tools for your training business? First, you must determine your basic needs, wants, and budget. Then, use this guide to learn about the top authoring tools... Continue reading→
E-learning Authoring Tool Comparison: Rise vs Storyline
Storyline and Rise are powerful e-learning development tools from software developer Articulate. But what’s the difference between the two? Before we start our comparison, let’s get an understanding of what an e-learning authoring tool is and why having one is important. What is an e-learning authoring tool? An e-learning authoring tool assists with the creation... Continue reading→
4 Best Features of Multimedia Authoring Tools
There are various e-learning authoring tools. Some are simple, others are complex, and many are included within a learning management system (LMS). When it comes to selecting an authoring tool, several factors can help you determine the best one for your business. As a training provider, you have needs that differ from those of the... Continue reading→
4 Free E-learning Authoring Tools
When you’re a small training company, sticking to your budget is crucial. But how can you stay under budget while still creating an engaging and professional experience for your learners? The answer is simple: find a free tool. Don’t be too concerned about quality; there are many no-cost e-learning authoring tools that can create beautiful... Continue reading→
How Authoring Tools Affect Learning
An authoring tool is used to create online (digital) courses. Having the right authoring tool can make e-learning development easier for you. These tools can also greatly benefit learning. Adult learners need certain elements within their learning experience. E-learning authoring tools can assist with creating those elements. Adults learn differently than children and teenagers, and... Continue reading→