Everything You’ll Need to Go from VILT/ILT to E-learning
Over the past few years, instructor-led training (ILT) has been done virtually (VILT), using tools such as Zoom or WebEx. However, either training program can be challenging to maintain, so going from VILT/ILT to e-learning can be a real business benefit. In this post, we discuss everything that you need to go from VILT/ILT to... Continue reading→
4 Business Benefits of Converting ILT to E-learning
The benefits of converting from instructor-led training (ILT) to e-learning include consistency, scalability, flexibility, and higher retention of learning. Keep reading if you are interested in learning how converting from ILT to e-learning can benefit your business. First, let’s be clear that virtual training is not the same as e-learning. Virtual training is taught in... Continue reading→
Converting to E-learning: Shifting the Educator Mindset
Deciding to digitize your traditionally formatted training is a big deal. The first considerations that you make when converting to e-learning will likely be focused on the cost, time, and technology required to make the shift. However, you should prepare to also shift your teaching online. Previous instructor-led training must now be set up to... Continue reading→
4 Pricing Mistakes Training Providers Often Make
Common pricing mistakes that many training providers make include: Not pricing based on the value Pricing to beat the competition Not aligning all your business practices to match your unique selling proposition (USP) Creating an over-generalized pricing strategy In this post, we discuss these common pricing mistakes in more detail. If you notice that you... Continue reading→
Comparing 4 E-learning Pricing Models: What to Use and When
When it comes to selecting one of the many e-learning pricing models out there, the grounding principle is that the model you pick should be compatible with your business model. But what does that mean? Basically, the correct pricing model should align with your business’s unique selling proposition (USP). In this post, we discuss how... Continue reading→