Delete a client
Another small feature that we added earlier this week is the ability to delete a client. We’ve always allowed you to disable an organization’s access. This lets you completely remove an organization from the system. We don’t recommend you deleting a client that has any real data associated with it. You’ll only want to make... Continue reading→
Using your default logo
We added a little enhancement this afternoon that might make your life a little easier when adding new clients. We added a ‘default’ option when choosing a logo. Many of our clients create branded sites for their clients. But some keep their own branding for some or all of their client sites. If you do... Continue reading→
Richardson partners with Firmwater for online sales training delivery
We’re thrilled to officially announce our partnership with Richardson to deliver their online training. Richardson is one of the leading companies in sales training and strategy execution. Richardson released a nice press release yesterday to announce our partnership: Richardson, a leading global sales training and strategy execution company, today announced a partnership with Firmwater, a... Continue reading→
Launch content in a new window
We resisted this one for years but we have finally admitted defeat and given in. You can now configure your content to be launched in a new window. We have always strived to provide a clean, simple interface for our users. We made an early decision that we wouldn’t have our LMS open new browser... Continue reading→
Using email address instead of username
We added a new option today to allow your users to use email addresses to log in to the system instead of usernames. With all the Web sites that you need to access these days, it’s often difficult to remember your username — especially when someone has gotten your preferred username before you. Since email... Continue reading→