Easier navigation between clients
Some of our customers have hundreds of clients and create a branded LMS site for each. For those especially, today’s release will be welcome news. We’ve made it easier to navigate between different organizations in Firmwater LMS. The old ‘Administer’ organization drop-down in the top navigation is still there, but now it’s super-charged. You can... Continue reading→
Now optimized for mobile and tablet devices
The experience using Firmwater LMS on phones and tablets is now improved. While our LMS always worked on these devices, it used to require a lot of pinch and zooming. The interface now adapts to the screen size that you are using, using a technique called Responsive Design. Those blessed with ‘Retina’ devices, now get... Continue reading→
Send reminder emails
We recently added three new reminder emails to the system: Due Date Reminder Reminds a participant about an upcoming due date for activities they have not completed. Overdue Reminder Reminds a participant about overdue activities they have not completed. Access Ending Reminder Reminds a participant that they have only a certain number of days before... Continue reading→
New theme available
We added a new default theme to our system late last year. The new theme provides a refreshed modern look to the clean and simple interface you know and love. We wanted our clients using our Shopify integration to start with a similar feel out-of-the-box across our LMS and their store so we based it... Continue reading→
New course assigned email
We added a new notification to the system this afternoon: ‘New Course Assigned’. This one has been on our list for a long time. It notifies an existing user that they have been assigned a course. For single course assignments, the course description and a direct link to the course is included in the email.... Continue reading→