Built-in Vs. Third Party Course Authoring Tools
The average LMS shopper spends approximately 2.5 months searching for the right LMS, with companies spending $1,870 per vendor evaluation. It makes sense trying to make your LMS search more efficient, and less costly. However, you should ensure that you are not cutting corners that will end up costing you more in the long run.... Continue reading→
New: Customize Email Templates
One of the highlights of using Firmwater LMS is the freedom and flexibility to customize yours and your clients’ sites. Our customizations include tailored email notifications triggered by the LMS. We have developed this new feature to put you in control of email content for yours and your client sites. In one place, you can... Continue reading→
Customer Success Story: Learning Partner
About Learning Partner Since its inception in 2008, Learning Partner’s goal is to provide on-demand Continuing Education (CE) training to certified financial planner (CFP®) professionals and insurance advisors. Learning Partner’s course offerings make it easy for CFP professionals and insurance advisors to accumulate annual CE credits. Courses range from 2 to 12 hours in length,... Continue reading→
New: Change a User’s Access to Assigned Content
We just added a new feature that allows you to more easily change a participant’s access to a course. Regardless of the way the content was assigned to a user — because of a purchase or because they qualified for a rule-based assignment — you can now easily change the due date and last day... Continue reading→
Assemble Course Content in Firmwater LMS
You can now assemble course content in Firmwater LMS! Load individual modules, quizzes, and PDFs to the system and build them up into larger courses based on how you wish users to progress through your content. Build up your course content Most third-party authoring tools, like Articulate Storyline and Adobe Captivate, only allow you to... Continue reading→