5 Things to Test before Launching an Online Training Course

Testing is an essential part of your overall course design and client engagement strategy. Clients expect courses that move the needle and change behavior, but they also expect courses that work. No matter how nicely designed a course is, its beauty will be ignored if it doesn’t work properly. Rigorously testing your online training before... Continue reading

How to Use a Multi-tenant LMS to Grow Your Training Business

You love your work. Every day spent developing top-of-the-line e-learning content for a diverse and growing clientele is a new opportunity to challenge yourself, a new chance to grow your business and expand the scope of your expertise. What you probably don’t love, though, is having to redo your course content and delivery every time... Continue reading

3 Top Challenges Training Providers Face (and How to Solve Them)

Running a training business is a full-time endeavor, one that’s constantly presenting new challenges. Fortunately, with a little planning and the right learning management system (LMS), you can quickly troubleshoot common online training conundrums. Read on to learn about three of the most common challenges training providers face and how to solve them.  Challenge #1:... Continue reading

How to Make Great Training Videos

Video may have killed the radio star, but it’s also killed more passive forms of corporate training, such as the static PowerPoint or whiteboard presentation. With the proliferation of video content online, from YouTube and TikTok to Facebook Live, we’re saturated by videos. In fact, it’s estimated that audiences worldwide watch more than 1 billion... Continue reading

Best Practices to Convert PowerPoint Slides to E-learning Content

According to recent estimates, the e-learning industry is expected to exceed $350 billion in revenue by 2026. If you want to claim your fair share of this vast and growing market, you’ll need to differentiate your company from the sea of competitors. However, traditional training practices tend to rely primarily on that old standard: PowerPoint... Continue reading